Repair McDuffie Road
Project Location:
Repair McDuffie Road

Project Location:
Fort Gordon, Georgia
Project Size:
$1.07 Million
Project Manager:
Zeb O'Bryant
Work for this project includes:
The drainage systems that serve the outfall of the Union Mill pond. The SOW includes both design and construction (repairs). The design will consist of concept and final design submittals, to include topographic surveys to support the preparation of plans and elevations. The design is to be focused on the drainage infrastructure to enable the drainage system to handle anticipated storm events and Dam capacity. It will also include pavements design for areas of McDuffie road that have to be disturbed. The construction will consist of the following items:
1) Replacement of the water drainage control structure drop inlet in drainage ditch
at the toe of the Dam.
2) Replacement of the associated drainage piping and drainage culverts
under McDuffie Road.
3) Repair of McDuffie road as necessary due to culvert replacement.
4) Erosion control at outfall of drainage piping and drainage culverts to include
rip-rap and drainage ditch hardening.
5) Remove brush and vegetation associated with the Dam slopes and
provide compaction and soil as necessary to prevent erosion.
6) Repair and reseal concrete drainage spillway at the Dam.