Utility Infrastructure and Facilities Renovations
Project Location:
Utility Infrastructure and Facilities Renovations

Project Location:
Camp Merrill, Dalonega, Georgia
Project Size:
$10.2 Million
Project Manager:
Work for this project includes:
Replace Lagoon with MBR Plant - includes replacement of open treatment Lagoon with construction of a laboratory facility, various pads, covered facilities to support operations, a treatment plant, and a holding tank. Demarcation point for utilities, stormwater is 5 foot from the face of the facility. Includes COM and generator/electrical – including controls systems; SCADA and Instrumentation. Include all equipment in support of operation.
Replace/Modify Discharge to existing Land Application System (LAS) - includes repairs and modifications to existing pump house utility systems including pumps, valves, piping, electrical and controls systems (SCADA),and generator. Include pumps, piping, paving, and roadway to the MBR treatment facility.
Close and Fill Existing Lagoon - includes draining, sludge removal and preparation for filling existing lagoon including backfilling existing lagoon. Provide grading and seeding of filled area.
Repair Existing LAS Pump House Facility. Remove existing built up roof and replace with new standing seam metal roof, replace wood deck and sleepers, replace skylights, replace rails, back-fill wet well and pressure wash exterior of facility.
Reuse Water System including Irrigation System - includes installing tank, pumps and piping from holding tank to reuse water irrigation spray field and to wash rack area. Provide all piping and spray head equipment at all irrigation sites. Include modifications, repair and replacement of paving and conflicting utilities.
Repair/Replace Sewer Lines - includes demolition/removal and replacement of existing Base wide sewer piping systems – include duplex pump station, all piping and manholes. Remove and replace grease trap at Dining Hall and Concession facility. Remove /replace existing pavement as needed. Tie in all existing systems. Relocate existing conflicting utilities.
Repair/Replace Storm system - includes repairs and modifications as follows: Modify wash rack to reduce storm water infiltration into sewer system – includes construction of covered facility, modified piping, new grading curbs, paving and site improvements. Include stormwater modifications at the MBR site and LAS Pump House Facility site from starting at 5 feet outside the facility.